Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 Months, 11 Months...

Evelyn is growing fast; in fact she just turned one in real time. But I have not uploaded those photos, and there is a birthday party coming up, so I will save all those photos for another blog entry. To risk being incredibly cliche, it is amazing how fast Evie has grown, and how delightful it has been to have her in our lives. This little girl has a personality that is larger than life, and it's actually very hard to catch her in the camera because she is always moving and always talking, which makes for blurry pictures.

Here are some reasons why we love her:
  • She loves to wave her arms in the air and say, "Yaaaay!"
  • She loves to snuggle, as much as possible.
  • She is friendly, and there are only about 2 people she doesn't really seem to like…sorry Mr. Chiropractor…
  • She sleeps through the night now.
  • She knows what she wants and has figured out how to ask for it; lots of signing and pointing.
  • She dances to music whenever it comes on.
  • She smiles and laughs, loves to play games, and is generally loving, fun-loving, and people-loving.
  • She likes to ride on your shoulders, and she NEVER holds on. Never. She prefers to wave her arms in the air and bounce up and down.
Eyes that melt into black liquid, begging you to love her. More. Now.

First Easter. I didn't actually think she'd be able to tear the wrappers off the candy that the Easter obviously brought for Eryn and Michael.

I'm going to brag a little; I carried Evie 6 out of our 10-mile hike. I was very sore the next day. She's not that light.

A wild time at Stinson Beach. Evie just LOVED the wind.

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