Thursday, October 11, 2012

What to do With This Thing?

Contrary to the quote by Mark Twain that is just above this posting, I often wrestle with what to do with this bit of cyberspace because I don't want to waste my and other people's time writing about "uninteresting" things.  I thought traveling to South Korea was an interesting enough platform upon which to start a blog, and then when we returned to the States, I settled right back into, "this just isn't interesting enough for the masses" mentality.  Note the lack of posts from 2009 to 2012.  It would do well for me to take my own advice.  Yet, I do believe that each life is significant, interesting, and wise.  We spend such a great amount of time excusing ourselves, our choices, our problems because we think someone else is more ____________ (fill in the blank).  What a lie.

But I have been thinking hard about how I want to use this platform, and I am not going to tie it to the interesting!  I'm setting myself free of that burden.  I may very well use it to do what many people do with their blogs: stream their consciousnesses. :-)  Lucky you, readers.  However, the feedback I often get from my friends is that they enjoy my writing; it hooks them.  As a teacher, I know this is a good start to writing--hook your audience!  So, if I have done that, hang in there.  Perhaps we can learn from each other.