Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

We spent another Thanksgiving holiday in Korea, so this year, my friend Jennie and I undertook a traditional meal, complete with turkey!  Here is our handiwork.  You can see our hardworking legs in the background.  Our bird was truly yummy, and I recommend a brine for all of you who might tackle such a feat for Christmas.  

Our menu: turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green salad, maple-glazed carrots, cranberry jelly, babaganoush (Lebanese contribution), pumpkin pie with home-made whipped cream, and home-made flan.  Wonderful!

Jimmy and Sarah were our hosts, so we insisted that he do the honors and carve the bird.

Caught in mid-something.

Our friend Tyrone on the left, and an old classmate of mine, Gary, on the right.

This is the crowd, pre-feast.  We were grateful to have such a good Thanksgiving gathering.  Even when you're away from your family, getting people together around the table is something special.


Laura said...

ohmygosh what fun that you had thanksgiving with gary . . .
4 wake ups . . . and then i'll be waking up in korea (well trying, last time my first night ended with me waking up at 1am . . . you know how that goes! ha!)

Stacy said...

So glad to hear you had a good turkey day. Looks like a nice feast you put together!