Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Charlie Brown Christmas...

We decided to go out under the cover of night and get ourselves a Christmas tree branch.  This truly looks like the tree in "A Charlie Brown Christmas."  We welcome this little bit of greenery into our house, however, and we're enjoying the Christmas season.

Look, Ben, it drinks beer!

Almost the finished product...

Here it is!  Our little Christmas tree!  Not the best one I've ever had, but it will do... (actually, I kind of feel like a college student, when you go out to your campus, chop something, and come back and decorate it slightly tackily so that you can feel like you're in the Christmas spirit...)

But we are in the Christmas spirit, and we're having a good Christmas in spite of our distance.

Merry Christmas!


Laura said...

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Megan said...

that is THE BEST EVER!
Lexi has one similar in her room and she decorated with ornaments only on the bottom branches. but it's still cute!

we miss you and hope you're doing good!

Jill said...

That is one for the history books - one of your first Christmas tree (branch) stands - a korean beer bottle!
I suppose it's better than the beer-bottle-in-a-foreign-country picture we have. Your niece, still in diapers, appears to be drinking from it. It's capped, of course.