Friday, November 14, 2008

Crab Anyone?

We took a trip to our friend's house in the countryside, and had the chance to go to the coast and eat crab.  Lots of crab.  These ladies below became our lunch.  And yes, I said ladies.  Here it is not illegal to catch and eat female crabs.  The Koreans really like to eat the eggs and gunk guts of the crab.  No thank you.

This harbor reminded us a bit of Anacortes.

Along the harbor was a road that had a lot of street vendors selling fish and shellfish.

All in all, a fun trip!  It was great to see the water again, get out of the city, and rest a bit.  A highlight of our month.

1 comment:

Megan said...

YUM! I'm glad you got a little retreat!