Friday, October 17, 2008

What's in a Name?

As I've often mentioned, Asia is full of interesting takes on English, and today I shall discuss cars.  The well-known brands, Kia and Hyundai do a pretty good job giving poetic names to the models of their cars: Sonata, Chairman, Rio, Santa Fe.  But I ran across some lesser-known models that they don't sell in the States.

My new favorite: I think it's made by Hyundai... the Korando "Mantosser."  A very appropriate name for a car in this culture, since the vehicle-pedestrian relationship is based solely on who is bigger on the road--and you know who that is.  If I could only get behind the wheel!

Another good one I saw yesterday: A van known as  the Cool Saloon.  Who would not want to hang out in that thing?

At about $7.00/gallon here, who wants to be idling in traffic?  That is why I love Korea's public transit system!

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