Saturday, March 15, 2008

Daily Life

Here are some images from our daily life. We have some friends coming and some going right now, so we're in a double transition!

This is our church that we attended in the fall and have been back to since we returned to Korea.

Left to Right: Pastor Casino, Jennie, Ernie, Pastor Moon, Guy I don't know

Some of our good friends here: Ernie and Jennie

Candid. :-)

Sunset in Bundang. The lovely color is due to what Michael calls "particulate matter" in the atmosphere, aka smog.

We found a hiking haven. We think we can be happy now!

Korean cemetery

These are my students. As you can see, birthdays are a big deal, due to the size of the banner. The lady on the right is my boss, Jennifer.

My students again. This is about as still as I can keep them. 2 seconds later they were wiggling! To quote a veteran kindergarten teacher, "They're lucky they're cute!"


Stacy said...

They are SO lucky they are cute. I think that moment by moment around here some days. You guys look so great! I love the candid shot!

We dyed easter eggs tonight - big mess, a few small tantrums and a tasty egg for dinner - all in all a success! Hope you are well.

Megan said...

Oh my goodness they really are cute! Matt likes Michael's description of the sunset...of course he would!
All is well here, hope you are feeling better. Happy Birthday to Michael, since it's tomorrow there!