Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Day in the Life...

On this addition of Hanes in Korea, I bring you our school, my classroom, and the fun that goes on right outside our home.

Here you can see, though sideways, that I am sporting a goofy smile at the entrance to our up to the 5th floor. Then you have arrived at Choisun (chay-son), aka Do Your Best.

This is my classroom. I get my own room, and Michael is a roving teacher. He hangs out with me when we have free time together. It's very small and kind of sad-looking. But, as you can see, I'm busy putting the kids' work up on the walls, and it looks happier and brighter every day.

Here you have one of the great mysteries of Korea: Pocari Sweat. Why on earth would you want to put something back in your body that it works so hard to get out (sweat, that is)? Michael would like to be their next spokesman.

This is Central Park. We get to walk or ride through here every day on our way to work. These fountains are so fun to watch! The kids play in them and get soaking wet, and sometimes at night, they are lit up with different colors. This is a central area to the whole city, as many events take place here.

So that's a bit more of the life that we have unfolding here! We still miss you and appreciate the emails that we continue to receive.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Alexis is working on some art for you wall. Did I mention how hot those bikes are!!

We love and miss you!!