Saturday, September 22, 2007

Are You Irish?

Normally, this question is directed at me; I have fair facial skin, dark hair, and freckles. But today! We were on the subway, and the nicest man struck up a conversation with Michael--the first time he had had opportunity to use his English in 10 months. They talked about all kinds of things, and then he asked of Michael, "You look a bit different...are you Irish?"

No...definitely not Irish, especially since Michael's family comes from China.


Stacy said...

Micheal, Irish? Happy Thanksgiving. I sure enjoyed chatting with you yesterday.

Bill Schaarschmidt said...

REALLY!!??? Irish, eh?? Mike looks about as much Irish as I look Kenyan!!

Praying that you guys continue to experience the favor of the Lord!
Megan and Zach say Hi....Zach leaves tomorrow for NZ!