Thursday, September 2, 2010

Summer Highlights

We've had a pretty fun summer; not only because we had a baby. In August, we traveled down to Modesto for a double-hitter: Michael's assent of Half Dome in Yosemite and the celebration of my 30th birthday. Here I am getting ready to blow out my candles--instead of 30 candles, they are in the formation of the number 30; easier on the smoke alarm, I suppose. It was a really fun day; all the Half Dome hikers were kind of sore and subdued, but we all enjoyed cooling off in the pool and grilling hamburgers.

This must have been a somewhat cool part of the morning, since Evie is wearing pants and socks. She is looking miserable because I put a hat on her.

Fast forward. Evie is 12 weeks old in this picture and is beginning to discover the world around her. We discovered something wonderful; toys will occupy her for a minute or two. There is a lot one can accomplish in a minute or two:
-a couple bites of a meal
-a trip to the bathroom
-getting dressed or blow-drying hair
-switching out the laundry
-stretching out the neck and shoulder muscles

Here she is staring at and talking to her toy; deep concentration is happening here.

"Not sure what I think about the laundry basket…"

Here are some of Evie's milestones we have been noticing as she finishes out month #3…
-increase in the variety of sounds she vocalizes: deep gurgles and rumbles all the way to high-pitched squeals
-conversations with whoever wants to talk baby talk with her
-imitation of the sounds that her conversation partner is making
-lots of smiling, especially at Daddy, who is currently her new love interest
-discovery of her hands; she stares at them intensely, somewhat surprised that they have appeared in front of her face
-discovery of her feet; she hasn't figured out how to grab them yet, but she stares hard, as though wondering what those things do
-new interest in novel objects
-ability to track people and objects with her signature gaze
-height and weight! At 2 months, she was 11 pounds, 6 ounces and 23.75". I KNOW she's grown since then.

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