Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Made in Chico; I love it.

This is a lovely product that I was given by Michael's co-workers. Known as the Moby Wrap, I might also term it the Baby Whisperer. Most times, I can put Evie into this when she is restless, or even screaming, and she will calm down quickly and go to sleep. Her first nap of the day is usually taken in the Moby while I do things like eat, make the bed, clean up after myself, or other basic life functions. It is awesome, and I recommend this product to anyone getting ready to have a baby. When the baby gets older, you can tie him or her to your hip, back, or they can face forward in front--up to 35 pounds! They're not even paying me to say this!

Just seconds earlier, she was crying and carrying on. Now she is about to fall asleep. Amazing.

And now we can move on with our day. ...It's like being pregnant all over again, except now I can use my stomach muscles.

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