Friday, January 23, 2009

Interesting Tidbits

Cultural and language exchange is always interesting.  Here's a quick post to entertain you...

A conversation with my boss 
(now my boss is enough material for a book, so I won't go into that, but you may get a taste of my daily, hourly need to rip out my hair when you read this)

Boss: Ah, Eryn, some parents...some parents in your class have a little problem.  They think your class is too loose.  Yes, it's too loose.

Me: Hm.  I'm confused.  What does "too loose" mean?

Boss:  Ah!  Yes!  I mean, of course, not tight.

This is when, mentally, I either retreat to my happy place or run screaming.

Fan Death
This is a widely accepted urban myth that a fan, when running in a non-ventilated room (i.e no window open) will push or suck oxygen away from the breather thereby eventually killing him or her.  All fans in Korea have timers just in case you should unwittingly fall asleep and fail to supervise your fan.  I am not kidding.

More poorly translated t-shirts!
My favorite crime against English  occurred when Michael and I saw a couple walking down the street with matching jackets that read on the back, "SPECIAL EDUCATION 08."

Enough said!

1 comment:

Laura said...

you crack me up. surely you SHOULD write a book . . . the proceeds would make up for the poor won without a doubt :) i'm SO glad i got to visit you!!!!!!!!!