Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Beginnings of Fall

At last!  The cool weather and beautiful colors of fall are beginning to appear.  We enjoyed a perfect hike today and can sense in every way that fall is fast approaching.  I finally need a light coat!
Here's Michael, handsome as ever!

And me, posing for the REI or L.L. Bean catalogues.

Self portrait--not bad!

Acorns are dropping from the trees all around us, and the squirrels are having a hey-day.


Stacy said...

You both look great and relaxed. REI would use that picture in a second, Eryn :) Fall is looking beautiful there! Have fun!

Laura said...

YAYAY . . . what fun!!! I so hope that I can go hiking when I come back without having to wring out my shirt when I"m done :) That will be nice!!!