Friday, August 29, 2008

A Changing of Seasons

Michael and I hit an important mental milestone last week--halfway through our year in Korea!  It may sound like we are counting, but we are!  But halfway seems to be a rallying point for me, an "I can do it" point in time.  Thus, every month is a re-invigorated countdown, and we're excited to finish our contracts here and come home to family and country.

Another great thing about this time of the year is the relief from the hot weather.  July and August brought hot, humid days and nights that began early in the morning and brought little relief at night.  Finally, the breeze is cool and the nights are, too.  It makes such a big difference in daily life!

So, things continue here in constant change and Korean chaos, but the great thing is, we'll see you in 5 1/2 months!

Here's a photo I took that I'm a little proud of...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Yay! That time'll fly by! Was it really a year ago that you guys were taking the big "lets head off to S. Korea" plunge! Wow!
We LOVED hearing your message when we got home Friday night! Wish we would've been here! You guys are the best.