Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Only Constant is Change?

Our lives have been in a state of upheaval this year, and to save some cyber space, I'll give the highlights:

-February:  Lost my job--definitely wasn't expecting that.  My income was the primary one.  I still shake my head at this one, but I am learning to move on…

-March: Got a positive pregnancy test; that all happened before the job loss.  Since COBRA was too expensive and my deductible was $6000, we opted to hope for Medi-Cal benefits or just pay cash.  And people, check this out: when you pay cash to a hospital, they are often willing to give you a big discount.  Just ask questions.  Michael looks for a full time job.

-April: Michael really getting serious about finding full time work.  We traveled to Tillamook, OR to interview for a State Parks job.  Didn't work out.  I began doing some tutoring to make money and help my self-esteem.

-May: Applied for a job at our church.  We were hoping this one would work out because it would help us stay in Chico.  Michael interviewed for it at the end of May.

-June: Waiting, waiting, waiting on the church job.  Exploring options for Michael to go back to teaching, but not a lot of districts actually hire people with out-of-state credentials.  Evie turned 2!!  Sweet thing, we love her.  End of June: did not get church job; they hired someone from out of town.  Still shaking my head at this one…  Job search goes into Desperate Mode.  Did you know that your unemployment insurance can run out before your claim does?  How about right before you have your baby?  Oh, and a gopher ate all my tomato plants.  Just sucked them down through a hole in the ground.  And our beautiful shade tree died.  I told God that if He didn't work something out soon (like by the end of the week), I'd go ape on someone.  I think I cried the whole month of June.
June. Sucked.

July: June 26--applied for SF school district (they hire people credentialed out of state, what a concept), also applied for teaching jobs in Durham and to an international school organization.
        June 27--International school replied and invited Michael to proceed in interview process
        June 28--International school replied very positively to second half of online application
        June 29--International school called us, saying they were very excited about Michael and our family.  The only hitch?  It's in China.
        June 30--International school calls again: Did we know they offer complete health insurance for the whole family?  That they'll pick up my OB care and delivery?  Did we know that the school employed a lot of young families with kids?  That our kids (and us) could learn Mandarin?  Did we know they'll probably pay for the employees to get a Master's Degree?  That I could come on staff with them too, even part time?  By the way, this slid in at that end-of-the-week deadline I gave God...
       July 3--Interview scheduled with school director.
       July 4--Michael had a great interview.  It's for 5th grade; what he always wanted.  They really want him.  When does that happen in teaching these days?
       July 5--Job offer in Kunming, China.  We start thinking--Hey, what would need to happen for this to be realistic?  Sell business, sell car, pack up, move Eryn and Evie to Washington until baby comes.
       July 5, afternoon--someone knocks on our door and asks if we'd be interested in selling our Honda CRV.  There was no for sale sign.  We live in a culdesac.  WTH?
      Somewhere in here, I sleeping again...
       July 9--Offer and discussion with someone about buying our business.  For the amount we wanted for it.  I think we're going to China.
      July 11--Our neighbor wants to buy our Honda Civic.  We're still talking, but I think it's going to happen.  We like the CRV a lot anyway.
List?  Check.  Check.  Check.

Bottom line: for a reason we don't understand, God seems to be ushering us out of Chico and giving us a very clear opportunity in Kunming, China.  We have decided to go with Him on this one, despite the fact that it seems crazy… and awesome at the same time.  We're incredibly sad and also getting amazingly excited.

Pray for us.  We have to move.  We have to say goodbye: to our friends.  to our families.  to each other for a couple of months, since Michael has to go get school started in China and we decided to have our baby in the States.  We have to have a baby in November…I don't even know what that's going to look like… Anyone have any ideas for boy/girl names that mean "God's timing is perfect"?  or something like that?--names that aren't weird… We have to stay sane.  For Evie.  For us.

Deep breath.  Here we go.


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