Monday, February 14, 2011

The Baby Gourmet

I decided before I had children that I would make my own baby food--really, it's just mashing up the good food that those of us with teeth are enjoying. But I'm finding it to be fun and fulfilling, knowing that I'm giving my baby wholesome, healthy, and fresh food, just like I like to eat!

Some of my favorite recipes/combinations so far have been:
-bananas with…
avocado, homemade no-sugar applesauce, or carrots
-applesauce and carrots
-chicken broth with carrots
-potatoes, spinach, carrots, and broth
-yams and butter
-egg yolk with sea salt

And one of Evie's favorite (but not too frequent) treats is pizza sauce! Go figure...

I've followed some recommendations to delay introducing grains, legumes, honey, and dairy until she is at least one year old, but in the meantime, food has been fun and tasty! She is a Hanes through and through and loves her food!

Oh wait, that's cardboard. Well, she likes that, too.

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