Friday, September 18, 2009

Birthday Surprise!

Michael organized a great surprise for my birthday back in August. He flew my friend Tristan down to Chico, AND we spent the weekend in San Francisco all together! How fun was it to have my good friend come to see me and go to such a great city.
Laundry hanging out to dry in Chinatown

I like this guy.

Beautiful city!


A fisherman at Stinson Beach.

We spent the morning at the top of Mount Tamalpais and then down at the bottom of the mountain on Stinson Beach.

Tristan and I have been friends since baby swim.

Beautiful San Francisco Bay


Stacy said...

So, fun! I've only been to SF for a night, and a trip to In n out at fisherman's wharf. I definately need to make at trip one day and have you show me around!

Jill said...
