Friday, May 2, 2008

Glorious Identity Crisis: Vehicle or Pedestrian?

The glorious thing about scooters is their versatility.  You are both vehicle and pedestrian, which gives the driver lots of decision-making power on the road.  

For example, you encounter a red light.  If you were only limited to the road, of course you would have to stop.  But on a scooter, you can sidle over to the sidewalk and cross at the crosswalk.  After that, you are on your merry way again, minus the traffic.

What this usually inspires in my husband is a complete disregard for traffic signals at all.  We stop at the light, squiggle between the cars up to the front of the line, and when the intersection is relatively empty, off he goes.

I recently heard through the grapevine that South Korea has achieved a "third-world" rating in the category of traffic.  It's congested, the drivers are irresponsible and erratic, and the pollution from cars is awful!  It makes for an exciting scooter ride each morning and evening.  

However, the very best thing about the scooter, especially in this day and age of over-sized and unnecessarily large gas-guzzlers is, you guessed it, the fuel efficiency.  In two weeks, we have paid a total of $4 for gas, using the scooter almost every day.  That' s in a country where gas is $6 a gallon!  Don't be shy people, buy this cute little machine and enjoy times of zooming, weaving, sneaking, holding on tight to your loved one, and best of all, saving $$!


Megan said...

i can just see you guys now, on the scooter 2 kids packed on your back, navigating the freeways of Cali - it's your future you know!

Stacy said...

Hilarious. I can imagine the indented bruises around Mikes waist where you squeeze to keep him in line while he's driving :)