Well friends and loyal fans, I have been feeling twinges of guilt for not having posted anything of great interest lately, but nothing of great interest has really occurred lately.
It is very hot right now; humid and in the 80's and 90's, which makes me feel like I am trapped in a sauna all the time.
I feel like I am in the midst of an uphill climb that is nearing its peak--the peak being our half-way marker in Korea. For so long, we considered just throwing the towel in and coming home in August, but since then have decided that working our contract and sticking it out would be better. God really seems to want us in Korea, so I will stay. In the meantime, I'm learning:
1. Be content where you are. There are always imaginary things to look forward to, but reality is here, so enjoy it as it is gifted to you.
2. God's already gone before us into the next phase of life, so don't worry about that either. It will come together!
3. Be patient...
Next Thursday, July 17, Michael and I will be celebrating our 4th anniversary! It's a bit hard to believe that we've been together for the last 7 years and married for 4, but we really have. We learn new things about each other and life together all the time, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
And, just so no one forgets, my birthday is also quickly approaching. Since we live a bit further away, packages take time... :-)
I will try to take some pictures and post something interesting soon.